Thursday, August 6, 2020

Week 3 Nutrisystem - It is Working!

Like I said, I kept a diary during my journey and am on Week 5, so I am posting excerpts from it here, as well as additional commentary. I am also staying anonymous due to privacy concerns. So you will see my BitMoji instead! 

Bitmoji Image
Week 3 Start Weight: 168.8 pounds
Week 3 End Weight: 166.4 pounds

That is over 2 pounds! After a really tough second week, I am so happy to have lost almost 10 pounds in just 3 weeks. 

If you have been reading my blog, you know how before Nutrisystem I loved cooking cheesy casseroles all the time. I would eat twice what my boyfriend ate. Then when I put the leftovers away I would take that big kitchen spoon and spoon even more food into my mouth. Sometimes I would bake cookies after dinner and eat 3-4 that night. I had really unhealthy eating habits and no sense of portion control. I was obese at the start of this journey, and right now I am just below obese and am overweight (according to the CDC). 

With Nutrisystem, I follow a regimen that is perfectly portioned. I still get cookies and such but not 3-4, just one. Nutrisystem really has made a HUGE difference in how I approach eating. Last week I splurged by eating out three times. This week I ate out just one time.

So this week I focused a lot on exercise. I wrote in my diary:
"Downloaded an app (C25k) to help couch potatoes run a 5k in 12 weeks. You build up to eventually running the entire thing. Today I alternated walking for 90 seconds and running for 60 seconds for 20 minutes. I am exhausted and hope I do not get shin splints like I did in January when I tried training for a 5k I did in February."

By the end of the week after my third walk/run, though, my shin splints did come back in full force. One of my goals was to run without injuring myself, so it looks like I am still too heavy to run without injuries. Two years ago when I was 140 pounds I had no problem going on runs, so I know my body can do it. 

So instead I started using an app called Grokker, which is $15 a month. I do yoga by Celeste and she is amazingly bubbly and cheerful. They are quick 18-minute sessions. I notice with exercise that if it is something not too difficult and enjoyable, then I am more likely to do it. Even though I do not really sweat during yoga, I am huffing and puffing from all the Sun Salutations and Chaturangas (a push up essentially). 

I am visiting relatives out of state in Week 4. Let's hope I am able to stick to Nutrisystem! 

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Week 3 Nutrisystem - It is Working!

Like I said, I kept a diary during my journey and am on Week 5, so I am posting excerpts from it here, as well as additional commentary. I a...