Thursday, August 6, 2020

Week 3 Nutrisystem - It is Working!

Like I said, I kept a diary during my journey and am on Week 5, so I am posting excerpts from it here, as well as additional commentary. I am also staying anonymous due to privacy concerns. So you will see my BitMoji instead! 

Bitmoji Image
Week 3 Start Weight: 168.8 pounds
Week 3 End Weight: 166.4 pounds

That is over 2 pounds! After a really tough second week, I am so happy to have lost almost 10 pounds in just 3 weeks. 

If you have been reading my blog, you know how before Nutrisystem I loved cooking cheesy casseroles all the time. I would eat twice what my boyfriend ate. Then when I put the leftovers away I would take that big kitchen spoon and spoon even more food into my mouth. Sometimes I would bake cookies after dinner and eat 3-4 that night. I had really unhealthy eating habits and no sense of portion control. I was obese at the start of this journey, and right now I am just below obese and am overweight (according to the CDC). 

With Nutrisystem, I follow a regimen that is perfectly portioned. I still get cookies and such but not 3-4, just one. Nutrisystem really has made a HUGE difference in how I approach eating. Last week I splurged by eating out three times. This week I ate out just one time.

So this week I focused a lot on exercise. I wrote in my diary:
"Downloaded an app (C25k) to help couch potatoes run a 5k in 12 weeks. You build up to eventually running the entire thing. Today I alternated walking for 90 seconds and running for 60 seconds for 20 minutes. I am exhausted and hope I do not get shin splints like I did in January when I tried training for a 5k I did in February."

By the end of the week after my third walk/run, though, my shin splints did come back in full force. One of my goals was to run without injuring myself, so it looks like I am still too heavy to run without injuries. Two years ago when I was 140 pounds I had no problem going on runs, so I know my body can do it. 

So instead I started using an app called Grokker, which is $15 a month. I do yoga by Celeste and she is amazingly bubbly and cheerful. They are quick 18-minute sessions. I notice with exercise that if it is something not too difficult and enjoyable, then I am more likely to do it. Even though I do not really sweat during yoga, I am huffing and puffing from all the Sun Salutations and Chaturangas (a push up essentially). 

I am visiting relatives out of state in Week 4. Let's hope I am able to stick to Nutrisystem! 

Week 2 Nutrisystem - CRAVINGS!

This week, the cravings INCREASED. 

Weight at beginning of Week 2: 169.2 pounds

Weight at the end of Week 2: 168.8 pounds 

Tips for Dealing With Pregnancy Food Cravings
Source:  Bruce And Rebecca Meissner

Yeah, this was a tough week. 

So, what happened? Why did I give in to my cravings?

1) Seeing fast food in the fridge every day. I have roommates who eat fast food every day. They keep it as leftovers to eat later at night and so I see the bags in the fridge every day. I will smell the fresh KFC they bring home. I read an article that said even seeing food is a trigger for cravings.

2) Alcohol. I had more than one serving, and I am allowed two each week. But I had like 4-5 in one night. I usually lose a few ounces the next day (I do weigh every day, which I know I should not do, but I cannot help it. I need the motivation). But after drinking, I did not lose anything the next day. Then I went out of town the next day to get m car fixed and did not have a car for 3 hours. Was so hungry I had Chipotle. 

3) Ate fast food...thrice. Chipotle, Foster's Freeze and Taco Bell. What is funny is that it did not even taste that good. Was not gross, but I had these high expectations that this food would be like liquid gold and it was not. I think my body just craves the fat and calories.

4) I skipped lunch a few days. Then I would snack a ton. NEVER skip the meals! 

I have been reading a lot of articles about why the body fights weight loss. The science on it is crystal clear and makes sense. So now I know why I failed this week.  

I also learned something I mention in my diary:  "I have finally learned that I cannot out-exercise my bad eating habits. I exercised so much in the past and ended up just gaining weight. I know now how I should eat and it is a lot throughout the day, but it is still annoying being hungry all the damn time."

More from my diary: "Well I just hope I can stick through my diet because I realize it is difficult for me to cut all temptation. I am working out but I was working out before and was still gaining weight. I cannot let myself go over 1200 calories. It is like what is the point of spending all this money if I am just going to go right back to my old ways."

This was a tough week!

Reminder: I have chosen to use a nom de plume and remain anonymous due to the public nature of my job (I do not want to show up when people Google me). You will see me through my BitMoji!

Week 1 Nutrisystem - A Huge Change in My Habits

Like I mentioned before, I have kept a diary during my journey and these posts pull from that with additional commentary on my part. Read on to see how I did after one week! 

Fresh Start | How Does the First Month of Nutrisystem Work?
Source: Nutrisystem

The Week 1 Nutrisystem Reboot they have everyone take the first week was hard but I FEEL skinnier! The calorie count is so drastically reduced that you are not advised to work out the first week, so I did not, but I still lost A LOT. Read on to see how much I lost! 

So, my first worry was the taste of the food. How does it taste?

Some of the food was not that good, such as the broccoli rice you microwave and let stand covered for 5 minutes. The rice never got cooked enough. But the BBQ chicken was delicious with my whole wheat bun. Was so filling that I did not even have to eat my post-dinner snack. 

So the food can be good and bad. How did I FEEL?

Here are some quotes from my diary:

"I have a mental fog from my diet, but I know my body will get through this. Hopefully I can start adding in a little exercise in a couple days because I feel like a lazy blob. Bitmoji Image

Driving around town was difficult due to my fog. I took the wrong turn twice on my way to the post office. 

Right now I still crave fried chicken. I keep eyeing the fried chicken I made on Sunday. It looks heavenly. Real chicken…

I still feel weak. I also feel bloated and am really gassy. 

Wow, checked the CDC BMI calculator and I am actually obese. I never thought in a million years that I would grow up to become obese. I do overeat and eat whatever I want, so now I understand how I became obese. Perhaps becoming 155 is not a big enough goal. I need a goal weight of 141 to have a healthy weight. That means I need to lose 35 pounds. Now that I am older, I cannot just eat tons of fast food, sour cream, cheese, etc. I justify my binge eating by saying that I work hard, so I deserve to fatten myself up. Well, no reward should involve making myself unhealthy and obese. I am going to make sure that I lose that weight!

Still depressed. Just cleaned the whole house and hopefully that burned quite a few calories. I am not as hungry today. Just sad."

Is it difficult to add fresh food to the meals?

Not at all! I have 2 cups of mixed greens almost every day as a side to a meal or as a snack. There is half the veggies. Then for dinner I usually saute the zucchini I am growing in my garden along with some bell pepper and garlic in canola cooking spray. Sometimes I will add mushrooms. Then there will be the other half of veggies they want me to eat in a day (4 servings). It is really easy.

How much did you lose after Week 1 Reboot?

I lost 5.8 pounds! I got down to 169.2 pounds.

What were some hurdles or obstacles you encountered?

I will be honest. My depression kind of came out in full force. Not only was I weak from the lack of calories and my mind foggy, but that reactivated my depression. Made what I deal with on a daily basis really hard.

I went to San Jose to go to the mall and return items I knew would take months if I shipped it back. I smelt food everywhere it seemed. One store, Athleta, actually let me try things on (due to the pandemic), and I looked TERRIBLE in the work pants and tank tops. My arms and shoulders are the biggest parts of my body and the tank top pronounced that. And most of the mall-goers were young, thin people, and I could not help but wish I could turn back the clock. It was a very depressing day. I brought my granola bar with me to eat, but I did not like the crunchy texture. Got stuck in my teeth. I left the mall shortly after I arrived. I used to love shopping, and now it is a depressing experience.

Cravings. I had the worst cravings. Like I could not control myself type cravings. I persevered save for a few times, such as when I had a bite of the fast food my boyfriend got for himself. Or when I made a PB sandwich as a third snack.

Fights with my boyfriend. Enough said.

Day 1 Nutrisystem - My Goals

It has been a month since I started Nutrisystem. I kept a diary and the following posts will reflect the things I said in my diary plus additional commentary. I aim to provide a more realistic look at what it is like for someone who suffers from eating issues (i.e. binge eating) to go on a regimen like Nutrisystem. 


My goals are:

  • lose 35 pounds to be 140 pounds (CDC recommends I am not above 141 pounds)

  • Control my portions so I don’t overeat and get acid reflux 

  • Reduce my weekly alcohol intake

  • Losing enough weight where I can get back to running and other high intense activities without injuring my ankles

I got my Nutrisystem order and wow it is so exciting! I open the styrofoam box for the freezer food and see all this yummy stuff like pizza and melted wraps. I am on the personal plan so that I get to pick the foods I want. It is exciting organizing all the food, and they color code it to make it easier. My boyfriend helps me and it is nice to get his support.

So the first week is the Week 1 Reboot. I like how everything is sort of picked out in the box and it all looks good. Will officially start Nutrisystem the beginning of the week on Monday.

Monday 7/6/20 is day one of my journey!

How I feel this morning: I am tired from lack of sleep. Lots of thoughts and cookie dreams last night. I’m excited but worried the food will not be good. 

During the day, I tried out different ways to eat vegetables. I had raw broccoli for the first and last time. I am going to cook the veggies from now on. 

6:57 pm. Went to the store to get veggies I’ll eat. I hope to avoid the store more in the future. WAY too much temptation and sadness over knowing I cannot eat most of the stuff in the store.

10:02 p.m.: Today was an overall success. Had 32 calories left. Ate 968 calories. Seems like an impossible amount but it can be done. I avoided having a late night snack because I wanted to keep my calories under a thousand. Tomorrow I hope to be less hungry.

I still think about food all the time, but now I can eat constantly. I do miss carbs and protein the most. I didn’t have any cheese today which is a miracle. It’s not the cheese I crave but the meat! Added protein in chocolatey granola bars just doesn’t replace the real thing. If I keep to healthy proteins and veggie sides with a dash of carbs like whole wheat pasta I should be able to maintain my weight. 

Let’s hope tomorrow is a little easier and not harder! Especially because I should be able to have that midnight snack! 

5 Tips to Effectively Explain Goal Setting to your Child
Source: Product Coalition 

Week 3 Nutrisystem - It is Working!

Like I said, I kept a diary during my journey and am on Week 5, so I am posting excerpts from it here, as well as additional commentary. I a...