Thursday, August 6, 2020

Day 1 Nutrisystem - My Goals

It has been a month since I started Nutrisystem. I kept a diary and the following posts will reflect the things I said in my diary plus additional commentary. I aim to provide a more realistic look at what it is like for someone who suffers from eating issues (i.e. binge eating) to go on a regimen like Nutrisystem. 


My goals are:

  • lose 35 pounds to be 140 pounds (CDC recommends I am not above 141 pounds)

  • Control my portions so I don’t overeat and get acid reflux 

  • Reduce my weekly alcohol intake

  • Losing enough weight where I can get back to running and other high intense activities without injuring my ankles

I got my Nutrisystem order and wow it is so exciting! I open the styrofoam box for the freezer food and see all this yummy stuff like pizza and melted wraps. I am on the personal plan so that I get to pick the foods I want. It is exciting organizing all the food, and they color code it to make it easier. My boyfriend helps me and it is nice to get his support.

So the first week is the Week 1 Reboot. I like how everything is sort of picked out in the box and it all looks good. Will officially start Nutrisystem the beginning of the week on Monday.

Monday 7/6/20 is day one of my journey!

How I feel this morning: I am tired from lack of sleep. Lots of thoughts and cookie dreams last night. I’m excited but worried the food will not be good. 

During the day, I tried out different ways to eat vegetables. I had raw broccoli for the first and last time. I am going to cook the veggies from now on. 

6:57 pm. Went to the store to get veggies I’ll eat. I hope to avoid the store more in the future. WAY too much temptation and sadness over knowing I cannot eat most of the stuff in the store.

10:02 p.m.: Today was an overall success. Had 32 calories left. Ate 968 calories. Seems like an impossible amount but it can be done. I avoided having a late night snack because I wanted to keep my calories under a thousand. Tomorrow I hope to be less hungry.

I still think about food all the time, but now I can eat constantly. I do miss carbs and protein the most. I didn’t have any cheese today which is a miracle. It’s not the cheese I crave but the meat! Added protein in chocolatey granola bars just doesn’t replace the real thing. If I keep to healthy proteins and veggie sides with a dash of carbs like whole wheat pasta I should be able to maintain my weight. 

Let’s hope tomorrow is a little easier and not harder! Especially because I should be able to have that midnight snack! 

5 Tips to Effectively Explain Goal Setting to your Child
Source: Product Coalition 

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Week 3 Nutrisystem - It is Working!

Like I said, I kept a diary during my journey and am on Week 5, so I am posting excerpts from it here, as well as additional commentary. I a...